每年都為了萬聖節要扮什麼想破頭,蜜蜂,格格,一直到今年的 rocker,都讓我傷透腦筋,花在服裝糖果上的錢都快比我教一堂課的薪水要多,再加上不領情的孩子一副不想玩的樣子真的會讓老師很受傷!

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  • Dec 09 Thu 2010 14:55
  • Spin

I went to the airport to pick up one of my friends that I haven’t seen in 6 weeks. As I was staring at the monitor to see if he made it out okay, I found my heart pounding really hard. I don’t know why I was so nervous. Is it called an anxiety attack? He promised me a spin at the airport. For the past few weeks, I have been picturing it in my head, hoping it would be like how it is in the movies. However, he came out with his new big curly wig. All the romantic moments I have pictured in my head just turned into a comedy. That’s so him!! It’s just nice to have him back in Taiwan.


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In the year of 2008, I had my first halloween ever.  It took me a month to figure out what i wanted to be and what activities to do with my classes.  In the end, I was still very original .. a bee.  I totally sucked.    

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